Member's Corner

October 5, 2024

Fall Rules

To keep golf enjoyable, the following rules are in effect until the end of the 2024 season.

Ball in Leaves - Please be mindful of your time searching for a ball in the leaves. After the three-minute allotted time, a new ball maybe put into play without penalty. Balls lost in rough must remain in rough and be dropped from knee height.

Mud Balls - With the shorter days and cooler temperatures, the course does not dry out as well as it does in the summer months resulting in a higher frequency of “mud balls”. Players are entitled to “lift, clean & place” mud balls in your own fairway and “lift, clean & drop” elsewhere on the course.

Bunkers - As mentioned in a recent monthly newsletter, greens staff are no longer maintaining bunkers now that the student worker has returned to school. Players are entitled to lift the ball, prepare (i.e., rake) the local area and replace the ball prior to play without penalty. Players may also elect to play the ball as it lies.

Animal Damage - Players are entitled to free relief from animal damage. Balls in rough must remain in rough and be dropped from knee height.

October 1, 2024

Marilyn Boucher's luncheon

A good bye luncheon was held at Deep River Golf Club for a long time member "Marilyn Boucher" , Marilyn will be leaving us next week. Good Luck!

Marilyn Boucher Marilyn Boucher
September 30, 2024

Putting Contest

Martin Chisholm was the winner of the contest. Other winners are shown below.

Putting Contest Putting Contest Putting Contest Putting Contest
September 24, 2024

Material for AGM on Sunday, September 29

  1. Poster for putting contest
  2. Poster

  3. Directors' reports for AGM Click here for more...
  4. Decision minutes from 2023 AGM Click here for more...
September 19, 2024

Articles and by-law

As per the Not-For-Profit Corporation Act, 2010, the letters patent and the by-laws must be updated to reflect new requirements by October 2024.

The letters patent must identify the membership types for the corporation. An Article of Amendment has been prepared and will be presented at the upcoming members meeting for membership approval. The 2015 By-law has been revised to comply with the act and accepted by the board and will be presented at the upcoming members meeting for membership approval. A copy of the Articles of Amendment and the updated By-law can be found on our website. Click on"Member's Corner", then "documents", then Articles of Amendment and/or By-Law 2015. A hard copy will be placed in the veranda for perusal for those who cannot access the website. A hard copy can be provided to individuals upon request.

September 9, 2024

Notice to Members - Fall General Meeting/Election of New Board

Our annual Fall Meeting and Election of new Board will take place on Sunday, September 29 starting at 2:00 pm at the Clubhouse. Just before that we will be holding a fun putting contest starting at 12:30 pm. Cost for this social event (towards prizes) is $10 which must be paid at registration time (before Thursday, September 26, please)

Nomination papers for the Board positions are available from the Membership Director's pouch in the hallway and also on the women's notice board as of Tuesday, September 10 when nominations are open. Please return any completed forms to our Membership Director (Joanne Ball) or by placing in her pouch by Saturday, September 21 at noon.

We hope to see a large turnout of members on that afternoon as we will be voting on our new by-laws as required by the Ontario government, as well as voting in our new Board. There will be light refreshments and a free drink coupon for those attending the meeting.

If you have any questions please contact Joyce at (phone 613-602-5422) or any current board member.

Hope to see you there!

September 5, 2024

Men's Closing September 22

The 2024 Men's Closing is scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday, September 22, 2024. There will be a shotgun start at 1:00 pm with a meal to follow. This will be a five-man scramble from the Red/Blue Tees. The minimum team handicap (White/Yellow tees) is 72 - no exceptions - with a maximum of two (2) players with a handicap of 9 or less. The cost is $50 per player ($250 per team), which will go towards prizes and a meal. Sign up as a team at the Pro Shop by September 19. Hope to see you there.

Mens Closing
September 2, 2024

Course Closed to All

The course will be closed next Monday, September 9 until 5:00 pm when it will be available for Men's Night. The Pro Shop will also be closed until 4:00 pm. This closure is to allow our greens staff to undertake maintenance on our greens, including some sanding and verticutting. Staff have indicated that the course will be very playable shortly afterwards.

August 19, 2024

2024 Club Championships

The Deep River Golf Club held their club championship tournament this past weekend. Sixty-eight members participated on the Men's side, with Mike Hogue taking the overall title with a two-day total score of 142 (2 under par). Eric Senohrabek was runner up with a two-day total of 144 and the low-net winner in the A-flight. Other winners were Scott Miller (B-flight, low-gross), Chris Knight (B-flight, low-net), Brandon Welna (C-flight, low gross) and Martin Chisholm (C-flight, low net). The Men's Senior Division was won by Terry Mitchell with a net score of 151.

Mens Club Champion

2024 Deep River Golf Club Champion Mike Hogue (middle) with Club Pro Drew Calver (left) and Club Captain Ian Muir (right).

In the Women's section, Pam Yakabuskie was the A-flight winner and Club Champion with a two-day total score of 169. Other winners in the Women's section include Wendy McCauley (Senior Division), Alyson Joyce (B-flight) and Kaitlin McMillan (C-flight). Thanks to the sponsors Donna Watt Desjardins Insurance, BMO Deep River, and Kristin Hawley Exit Ottawa Valley Realty for their support.

Womens Club Champion

2024 Deep River Golf Club Women's Champion Pam Yakabuskie pictured with Club Pro Drew Calver.

Womens Seniors Club Champion

2024 Deep River Golf Club B Flight and Senior's Division Champion Wendy McCauley (left) with Club Pro Drew Calver (right).

Womens C Flight Club Champion

2024 Deep River Golf Club C Flight Kaitlin McMillan (middle) with Pam Yakabuskie (left) and Club Pro Drew Calver (right).

August 12, 2024

Hospital Fundraiser

Registration for our 22nd Annual Golf Tournament is still open and we'd love you to join us!

All proceeds will support the Closer To Home campaign to furnish and equip the upcoming 96-bed Long-Term Care Home in Deep River.

Hospital Funraiser

As a member of the Deep River Golf Club, your special registration fee ($50/person) excludes the green fees. CLICK HERE to register.

  • 18-hole Shotgun Scramble Tournament
  • Teams of four
  • Thursday, August 29, 2024
  • 11:30 am - 7:30 pm
  • Cash bar and beer cart
  • Full course dinner
  • Door Prizes
  • Roast beef dinner, with Yorkshire pudding, roasted potatoes & dinner vegetables
  • Chicken dish with rice pilaf
  • Vegetarian lasagna
  • House salad
  • Butter tarts, pies & cake
  • Tea & coffee included
Registration is by donation.

This is a charitable fundraising tournament. The minimum $50 (members only) covers the basic expenses of this event, (green fees deducted for members), and dinner. Anything you choose to give beyond this amount can be converted into a tax receipt.

Megan G. Jones

Events & Fundraising Assistant

Deep River and District Health

117 Banting Drive, Deep River, ON K0J 1P0

T 613-584-3333 x 7151


August 11, 2024

2024 Club Championships

The Men's and Women's Sections Club Championships will be held on Saturday, August 17 and Sunday, August 18, 2024. This will be a two-day, 36-hole event.

The Men's section will have four flights. A, B & C flights will play from the White/Yellow tees for gross and net score prizes. There will be a net prize event for the Red/Blue (tees) Division. The cost is $25 and sign up will be as individuals or in pairs.

The Women's section will also have four flights. A, B & C flights will play from the Red/Blue tees for gross and net score prizes. New this year is the introduction of the “Shore Division” to be played off the Shore tees. Cost is $5.

Sign up with payment in the Pro Shop. Deadline for entry is noon, Friday, August 16.

July 31, 2024

2024 Men's Invitational - Recap

Mens Invite

TThe Deep River Golf Club held it annual Men’s Invitational tournament this past weekend. Mark Swansburg of the Petawawa Golf Club is the Tournament Champion and winner of A-flight. Mark opened with the low round of the tournament on Saturday; an 18 hole total of 67. He followed up with a score of 74 on Sunday for a two-day total of 141 (3 under par). Eric Senohrabek of Deep River Golf Club was two strokes behind with a 36 hole total of 143.


Other flight winners include, Jeremy Stewart (B-flight) Jason Hogue (C-flight), Jesse Wright (D-flight), Jason Rabishaw (E-flight), Peter Morris (F-flight), Joel Croteau (G-flight), Mel Potter (H-flight) and John Gallagher (Callaway flight).

The organizers congratulate all participants and thank the staff and many volunteers for their work in making this event a success.

July 22, 2024

Join the Fun at the Men's Invite (Saturday, July 27 and Sunday, July 28)

For those not playing in the Invite, please come and join the fun while helping out with scoring over the weekend.

A sign-up sheet is in the veranda on the Women's Notice Board (but men are most welcome too!). Scoring slots are hourly between 9am and 7pm each day and two people are needed for each slot. Hope to see you there!

June 26, 2024

Handicap Q&A #4

This week's communication deals with stroke allocation and follows up on the concept of “net-double bogey” as some readers are uncertain about strokes, or number of strokes, received on a given hole.

Stroke Allocation is how a course handicap is distributed when net hole scores are used. Common examples of when a net score on each hole is used include:

  • Women's match play,
  • Men's Night, which is net-Stableford points by hole,
  • League, which is net- best ball match play, and
  • Maximum net-double bogey when submitting an adjusted score into the handicap system.

To determine where handicap stokes are received, you will need to know your course handicap and then consult the “handicap” line on the scorecard corresponding to the tee set being played. Course handicap can be found on the club computer by clicking the “view handicaps” tab at the top left. It is also available on the Golf Canada app.

The handicap line on the scorecard is essentially a rating of the relative difficulty of each hole on the course with 1 being more difficult than 18. The number of strokes received (i.e., course handicap) is distributed one hole at a time beginning with the most difficult hole and progressing through the sequence until all strokes have been consumed. For example, a golfer with a course handicap of 12 will receive one stroke on each of the first twelve holes (i.e., those designated 1 through 12) listed on the handicap line and no strokes on the remaining six holes designated 13 through 18. If this golfer were to only play the front nine, they would receive strokes on holes designated 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 (i.e., those holes ranked as 12 or less).

For a course handicap of greater than 18, any remaining strokes (after allocating the first 18) are allocated according to the published sequence until all strokes have been allocated. For example, a golfer with a course handicap of 28 will receive two strokes on each of the holes designated 1 through 10 and one stroke on the remaining eight holes designated 11 through 18.

When playing a match or within a foursome it is common practice for the lowest handicap in the group/match to play off zero and all others subtract the course handicap of the lowest handicap in the group from their course handicap. This ensures that higher handicap golfers receive their stroke allocation on the tougher rated holes.

June 23, 2024


Entry Form



The 2024 Men's Invitational is scheduled for July 27 & 28 and will be one of two opportunities for those wishing to qualify to DRGC teams in the various interclub tournaments. Cost for DRGC members is $100 and includes choice of steak or chicken dinner and $5000 prize table.

Invitation and entry form are attached. Further information can be obtained from the Pro Shop (613 584-3991 or

Ian Muir

DRGC Club Captain

June 19, 2024

Please note:

This Saturday June 22, the Closer to Home Run will be held with participants starting and ending at the Arena. This will necessitate the Town putting up pylons to separate the runners/walkers from vehicles. We understand that the pylons could go up as early at 7:00 am and will be taken down around 1:00 pm. If you are golfing or coming to the clubhouse that morning, you may wish to allow for extra time to park as it could be busier than usual.

June 19, 2024

Please Mark your Calendars:

Saturday, June 29 - 9 and Dine with Canada Day Theme! Golf (scramble format) starting at 3:00 pm, dinner/prizes around 6:00 pm. Look for posters with more detail in the clubhouse in the next few days and on our Facebook page. Please sign up at the Pro Shop by Thursday, June 27. Non-members also welcome!

Saturday, July 6 - Learn to Golf “graduation” with 9 holes of golf (scramble format) at 12:30 pm. We are looking for members to sign up to play with our “graduates”! A social will follow with free light refreshments. Please sign up at the Pro Shop by Thursday, July 4. There is no cost for this event.

June 19, 2024

Handicap Q&A #3

We continue with our communications surrounding the new course rating and tee blocks plus the migration to the Golf Canada handicap system. If you are wondering how the handicapping system works or need assistance entering scores, drop us a line.

Q1. What is meant by “Adjusted Score” and “Maximum Net Double Bogey”?

A1. A handicap index is a representation of one’s potential and for handicap calculation purposes only, the maximum score that one can report on a given hole is a net double bogey. A net double bogey is par plus two strokes (double bogey), plus any handicap strokes received for that hole. For example, a golfer playing a par 4 that receives one stroke on that hole can report no more than 7 (4 + 2 + 1), a golfer who does not receive a stroke on that same hole can report no more than 6 (4 + 2 + 0), and a golfer receiving two strokes can report no more than 8 (4 + 2 + 2).

An adjusted score is the total score for 18 holes reduced by the number of strokes above net double bogey summed over each of the 9 or 18 holes. When reporting a total score into the handicap system, an adjusted score is also to be reported.

Q2. What is the difference between entering a “Total / Adjusted Score” and “Hole-by-Hole”?

A2. A correctly entered adjusted score and a score entered hole-by-hole will produce the same differential and ultimately the same handicap index. The difference is that when entering a score hole by hole, the total score for the hole is entered and the adjustment for maximum net double bogey is automatically done by the system.

Hole-by-hole entry can also be used to report incomplete rounds when at least 9 holes are completed. The Golf Canada Score Centre will determine “expected scores” for holes either not played (e.g., rain out or darkness of final few holes) or played in modified form (e.g., tees moved up on 6/15). In this situation, no score or a score of 0 (zero) shall be entered when posting. Expected scores will be based on one’s handicap index applied to a standard course. Expected scores require a minimum of nine other holes to be completed and will also be used to convert 9 hole scores to an 18 hole differential for handicap purposes.

For those using the Golf Canada app on a mobile device, the option exists to “start a round” at the beginning of play and enter scores upon completion of each hole. This feature also allows “stat tracking” such as number of putts and whether a fairway was hit, missed left or missed right, etc. Tracking stats can identify areas for improvement.

June 5, 2024

Handicap Q&A #2

We continue with our communications surrounding the new course rating and tee blocks plus the migration to the Golf Canada handicap system. If you are wondering how the handicapping system works or need assistance entering scores, drop us a line.

Q1. Why am I not making as many Stableford points as in past years?

A1. Assuming you are scoring much the same as in past years, this is most likely a result of your handicap not catching up to the reduction in course and slope rating when the course was re-rated and new tee blocks added in Autumn 2023. In effect, your “handicap index” would have been generated from a harder course rating (2023 and prior years) but applied to an easier course rating (2024 and forward) when converting to your “course handicap”. A lower course handicap results in less strokes received or more points required. This will work itself out as individuals record sufficient scores from 2024 into their handicap software. Regardless of the handicap system you use, be sure to enter all scores.

Q2. What is the difference between the Golf Canada Score Centre and the software currently on the club computer?

A2. For the club to maintain its membership with Golf Canada, we need sufficient DRGC members to join Golf Canada, which is the Canadian authority for the World Handicap System. The Golf Canada Score Centre is only used for determination of handicaps and only handicaps from the Golf Canada Score Centre will be used for club events in 2025 and beyond. The club computer software has a similar (not identical) capability, but also contains additional functions including a membership database and event (e.g., League and Stableford) scoring. The DRGC Board recognizes the need for the latter and is working with the software vendor to maintain these functions all the while using Golf Canada for handicap determinations.

June 4, 2024

Primeau Law Tournament

Primeau Law Tournament was played at Deep River Golf Course on Sunday, June 2, 2024 on a beautiful sunny day. We had 19 female members participating in "Best Net Score" tournament.

Photo Available Soon
  • 1st Place Winner: Kara Rivett
  • 2nd Runner Up: Jen Causey
  • This event was organized by Betty Potter and Wendy McCauley and sponsored by Primeau Law.

    May 28, 2024

    Handicap Q&A #1

    Various questions surrounding the new course rating and tee blocks plus the migration to the Golf Canada handicap system are being asked. We will be periodically issuing communications answering a few of these questions as they arise. If you are wondering how the handicapping system works or need assistance entering scores, drop us a line.

    Q1. Upon joining Golf Canada, do I need to enter my scores into both the club computer and the Golf Canada Score Centre?

    A1. No, not for determination of handicaps. The overall goal is to get members who participate in club events and activities (e.g. League, Stableford, Men's Night and Women's Day) to carry an up-to-date handicap using the World Handicap System administered through Golf Canada. A current handicap index is the basis of fair and equitable competitions, and all scores should be entered into the Golf Canada Score Centre by the individual. See Q3 regarding score entry when participating in club activities.

    Q2. Will my handicap from Golf Canada be used for club events?

    A2. Yes. Each week, handicaps are downloaded from the Golf Canada Score Centre are subsequently uploaded into the club computer. Those with Golf Canada handicaps in use by the club computer are denoted by “M” beside the handicap index (e.g.16.8M).

    Q3. If I use Golf Canada to track my handicap, do I still enter my score into Golf Canada when it will be entered into the club computer as part of playing a club event (e.g., Stableford or League)?

    A3. Yes. The score entered into the club computer is used to determine the standings of the competition. The club computer software does not upload scores to the Golf Canada Score Centre. You must still enter that score into Golf Canada for it to be used in determination of your handicap.

    May 22, 2024

    Pace of Play Expectations

    When playing 18 holes at a 9-hole facility, it is extremely important that all members and guests respect the standard expectations for pace of play. The average time for a group of four, whether walking or riding, to complete 9 holes should be approximately 2 hours plus an additional 10‑minute contingency. This is particularly important for managing the turn and of considerable importance to groups with back-nine tee times.

    Two of the main detractors from pace of play are:

    • groups not allowing others to play through when they fall behind the group in front, and
    • groups inserting themselves on the first/tenth tee outside of their scheduled tee time thereby creating localized pockets of overcapacity.
    May 22, 2024

    Tee Off on Schedule

    Tee times are allotted in 10-minute increments on the 10s (i.e., 9:00, 9:10, 9:20, etc.). There are six tee times each hour, which caps the number teeing off at a maximum of 24 golfers per hour. Teeing off in between tee times adds additional golfers to the course and backs up play.

    All groups signing up for 18 holes are automatically booked for the back nine 2 hours and 10 minutes after their front-nine tee time. Priority on the first/tenth tee goes to those with a booked tee time at that time. Those playing faster and “making the turn” in under 2 hours and 10 minutes shall give way to any reserved tee times prior to their back-nine tee time. Teeing off in between scheduled tee times slows down the course and is therefore prohibited.

    May 22, 2024

    Expectations for Letting Groups Play Through

    It is recognized that not all groups are able to complete 9-holes in the allotted timeframe and this can create the undesirable situation of groups behind being late for their back-nine tee time. The best remedy for groups needing more than 2 hours and 10 minutes to complete nine holes is to allow waiting groups behind to play through. All golfers have an obligation to wave through waiting groups when there are one or more open holes ahead.

    Waving a group through should be done without undue delay. When a group elects to allow another group to play through, that group shall proceed to the next tee and hit their tee shots while the following group holes out behind. After teeing off, yet before proceeding down the fairway, allow the group playing through to hit their tee shots. The group playing through will then proceed, without undue delay, to their balls and continue play while the other group progresses to their balls and gets ready to play when clear.

    May 21, 2024

    Course Closed For Morning Of May 29***

    Greens staff will be carrying out some light cultural practices to the greens on Wednesday, May 29. This is routine maintenance prior to the summer season. Course will be closed that morning until 1:00 pm to allow staff to complete. Thanks!

    May 20, 2024

    Men's Intersectional Qualifying

    Reminder: The first qualifying round for the Men's Intersectional team takes place this coming Saturday (May 25, 2024) morning. Those interested in qualifying are to sign up in the Pro Shop. Please remember to enter your scores into the Golf Canada Score Centre (i.e., the Golf Canada app).

    April 13, 2024

    Strategic Plan (2024-2028)

    This document lays out the Strategic Plan for the Deep River Golf Club (DRGC) for the years 2024 to 2028. Although there are various methods and depths for the development of strategic plans depending on the size and complexity of the organizations, this plan is prepared with the understanding that the DRGC is a small member-driven non-charitable not-for-profit corporation with limited financial resources and which relies heavily on the volunteer efforts of its members. The plan attempts to cover all aspects of the operations of the club and keeps goals and actions manageable and measurable with the best interest of maintaining a sound organization on behalf of the members. Click here for more...

    April 12, 2024

    Club Opening

    Hello to all! The course is in good shape, thanks to our greens' crew, a dedicated volunteer corps that showed up en-masse on Sunday to rake and clean and those that continue to tidy up the winter debris.

    We are ready to open on Monday, April 15 at 10 am. The course hours will be from 10 am to 7 pm over the next few weeks until morning frost is no longer an issue. The kitchen will also be open, although hours may be shorter depending on how many people are on the course on those forecasted rainy days in April.

    Drew will have Chronogolf up and running by Monday, and the pro-shop will be open for booking by phone or in person. Remember, only paid members, and those who pay green fees will be able to book tee-off times. Cheques for membership payment will be accepted in the clubhouse starting Monday, however visa or interac payments cannot be used for membership. The e-transfer option, of course, is still available to all.

    April 3, 2024

    Course Rating and Additional Tee Sets

    Welcome back to another season of golf at the Deep River Golf Club. Two additional tee sets have been added for play in 2024. We now have five tee sets beginning at 4768 yards and increasing in approximately 400-yard increments up to 6438 yards. Golf is best enjoyed when playing the appropriate length of course, which can be determined using one's average 7-iron distance. Playing the correct set of tees should allow for a variety of approach shots where one can use most all clubs in their bag.

    The two additional tee boxes were made possible when the current tees were re-rated as part of our membership with Golf Canada. The course and slope ratings decreased a bit resulting in a “course handicap” of one to three strokes less for a low and high “handicap index” golfer. This will gradually reset itself as scores are entered into the handicap system, so be sure to enter your scores. The new course and slope ratings for each tee set along with the 7-iron distance that best matches each tee set are shown below.

    Tee Rating Course Ratings

    The familiar “green and black” tee markers will no longer be in use. Only the traditional white, yellow, red and blue markers will be set out and the three hybrid (or combo) tee sets will be colour mapped on new scorecards. The three hybrid tees have been named the River (former G/B), Valley and Shore tees. An example is shown below along with a revised handicap stroke allocation sequence.


    If you have any questions, please contact Ian Muir ( or Pam Yakabuskie (

    April 2, 2024

    Call for League Participation

    With the 2024 golf season soon upon us, it is time to get ready for League. Deep River Golf Club offers both A and B Leagues, which is a team match-play event (a.k.a. four ball). Each golfer plays their own ball and the team’s score on each hole is the lower of the two players net score. Both leagues are open to all with A League being played from the “White-Yellow” and “River” (formerly Green-Black) tees and B League being played from the “Red-Blue” tees. Each League requires eight teams of six players. League matches are played on Wednesdays with A and B League playing on alternating weeks.

    A few changes are proposed for 2024. All matches will begin on Hole 1 (i.e., no Hole 3 starts). League play will also begin earlier in the afternoon. For those that can, League play will begin around 4:00 or 4:30 pm and a few tee times will be set aside for after the working day.

    Members that participated in League last year can expect to be contacted by their team captain or can sign up individually. Those who did not play previously and are interested in joining League this year can sign up individually.

    To sign up a team, or as an individual looking for a team, please contact Wayne Ladouceur ( or Ian Muir ( and be sure to specify A, B or both Leagues, if you are looking to join a team, and if your participation requires an after work tee time.

    March 19, 2024

    Message From Greens Director

    With the potential early opening of our club (weather permitting) all members are respectfully reminded that our course is closed for play until our Greens Director/Staff indicate an opening date for the season. This means that no one - except our Greens Staff - should be operating any equipment on the course. This includes e-bikes, regular bikes and power carts. We are looking forward to another wonderful season, so please help us make sure the course is in mint condition for our opening.

    Thank you.

    January 29, 2024

    Some great news about our little club!

    In recent newsletters we have discussed the desire to migrate to the Golf Canada handicap management system and have also outlined some of the benefits Canadian golfers receive with their GC membership. Another aspect of Golf Canada is their recognition and awards programs, particularly the National Facility Awards for Junior Golf.

    We are excited to share the news that our Junior Programs have been selected by Golf Canada as one of two national finalists in the Junior Grassroots Program of the year in 2023. This is an annual National Facilities Award that is given to a golf club in Canada that demonstrates community grassroots programming aimed at developing skills and a love for the game (as well as having fun!) for girls and boys up to the age of 18.

    As many of you know, our Junior Program was revamped in 2021 during the pandemic and has proved immensely popular with young golfers aged between 7 and 18. It consists of 8 afternoon sessions during the summer school vacation, organized by age group and golfing experience. Each group of young golfers starts with a 20-30-minute lesson and fun contests with our CPGA Golf Pro, Drew Calver. This is followed by on-course play for the remainder of the afternoon when our course is closed to allow our Juniors the opportunity to play at their own pace.

    And new for the 2024 golf season is a junior program called “Little Putters”. This is a free program for girls and boys between the ages of 4 and 7. Equipment will be provided, as well as prizes and treats. As its name suggests, the focus will be on putting as young golfers may not yet have the strength to swing a club. Putting also allows very young golfers to achieve success and promotes life skills such as patience and good sportsmanship. More details on timing and registration for “Little Putters” will be made public in the Spring, so please stay tuned.

    The "Little Putters" Program has been made possible by a generous donation and our thanks go to the Canadian National Energy Alliance and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories staff for their support in this year's Community Crowdfunding campaign.

    The executive of Golf Canada will meet in mid February to announce their 2023 awards recipients and we truly hope that our club will take home gold. Regardless of the outcome, we can certainly all take pride in knowing that we are part of a little club that fosters junior involvement and supports programs created to help children succeed.

    Board of Directors
    Deep River Golf Club
    November 8, 2023


    Etransfer Up And Running

    As of 10am today, November 8, our etransfer is again operational at (

    The deadline for the Early Bird Special with 3 great prizes to be won (draw at the Spring Meeting), is December 15. Membership forms are available on the Members Corner.

    November 2, 2023

    Best Laid Plans...


    Due to unforeseen circumstances, our etransfer function is not currently operable. We hope to remedy this within the next week or even sooner. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Mailing address for the Club

    For those who are mailing in their Early Bird membership, here is the mailing address:

    • Deep River Golf Club
    • P.O. Box 100
    • Deep River, Ontario
    • K0J 1P0

    We thank you in advance for your support of our Club!

    November 1, 2023

    Online Early Bird Membership Forms 2024

    Online early bird membership forms for the 2024 golf season are now available. To access the Online Membership Forms page: Select Membership / Online Membership Forms 2024. You must have an email address to register an account. Once you register, you can login to access online membership forms.

    You will have to register again even if you registered last season.

    Only Primary member may submit an online membership form. Primary Member means the individual person who owns or will own the membership account and ensures that all required fees are paid in full to the Deep River Golf Club.

    You may view the instructions on the Online Membership Forms page and is strongly suggested, click Submit Online Membership Form Instructions button shown at bottom-left of page.

    October 31, 2023

    Course Closed to All

    The DRGC course will be CLOSED to all golfers on Wednesday, November 2 to allow the Greens staff to treat the greens for snow mould.

    October 30, 2023

    Course Closed

    The Clubhouse is now closed for the season.

    Please use the ball rack for tee times until the course is closed for the winter.

    If you are not a member, please pay $10 per 9 holes in the collection box by the first hole.

    See you in 2024!